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PiCQ v. 1.40

So the current version 1.40 of PiCQ is released.

Among other things it contains the following new functions:

  • guest page on port: 1234. (You can route this page to the outside via your router. Visitors of your gateway can now see with whom they are transmitting. This is an extremely limited version of the gateway homepage. (You can only read here, but nothing can be changed. Perhaps once completely useful around from on the way with the mobile phone times to look what is straight loose. - You reach the normal start page as usual, with password, on port 80.)
  • CBAPRS map. PiCQ can now register your gateways on a CB-APRS server. This will display them on the map at http://www.cbaprs.de. -PiCQ automatically determines its operating mode, connected FRN server, port and room, as well as reads frequency, callsign etc. from its database. You can easily find out the coordinates yourself at Google-Mas (see below). To transmit the data to the APRS server, you need a password from it. See below for more information.
  • PiCQ now also has the possibility to force any backup server, regardless of what the server operator of your FRN server has entered for it. This function is suitable for automatically using PiCQ as an offline gateway in the event of an Internet failure.
  • Timer„ now got a time display. This shows you the current time your Raspberries.
  • The displays in the RX field can now also be translated in the language file.
  • Some files have been heavily optimized to reduce their runtime. This makes the parser more agile.
  • Errors like wrong password or server offline are now better intercepted and displayed.

Download PiCQ v. 1.40

An Update to version 1.41 is available.

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